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Altered Lunch Box & Baby’s 1st Year Album

First up, come visit me at
where I am guest posting and teaching you how to make this
Button Bib Necklace!
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Okay, on with today’s post!
I am a super lucky girl because I have many crafty friends. Not only does this mean our craftiness allows us to hang out together to perform said craftiness, but it also means they understand me and my crafty ways as I understand theirs. It also means they are a wealth of inspiration!
One other thing about my crafty friends… few of them have their own blogs so I get to show off their craftiness!! I told you I was a super lucky girl!
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My good friend Amy, mother of the adorable little girl you can see at the end of this post, altered this lunch box for her daughter.
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Cute, right?? Caroline’s room is done up in pink and brown so this matches perfectly.
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The back of the lunchbox reflects Caroline’s birth date.
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Inside of the lunchbox are all of the items little Caroline came home from the hospital with!
Such a fantastic keepsake!
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Amy also made a homemade album to commemorate Caroline’s first year.
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For the inside of the album she printed a week-by-week calendar of Caroline’s first year. Amy printed these sheets herself on 12×6 sheets of cardstock. In her daily planner she has been keeping notes on the various doings of Caroline so that she can go back and write them up in this album.
Caroline is one lucky girl to have a mom so forward thinking as to have already created so many special keepsakes for her to inherit one day!
Thank you, Amy, for letting me share your wonderful projects!!

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Erin @ Crafts and Sutch

Tuesday 28th of September 2010

Hey, Michele! :) I know you have already stopped by and seen this, but wanted to say thank you so much for sharing a super adorable project! TO DO Tuesday

ErinCrafts & Sutch

Tammy@ Not Just Paper and Glue

Friday 24th of September 2010

That lunchbox is absolutely adorable!


Thursday 23rd of September 2010

Wow, Michele, you're on a roll! I love the necklace and the lunch box is beautiful! Nice job!

Beverly @

Thursday 23rd of September 2010

So cute!! I love that lunchbox. The colors are beautiful. Such a neat momento. :)And everybody loves your necklace!!! Thanks so much for doing a guest post!


Thursday 23rd of September 2010


Off to check out your post..

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