Giveaway closed!
You can find the winner here.I’m really having a lot of fun reminincing with you all today!
You can find the winner here.I’m really having a lot of fun reminincing with you all today!
And thank you so much for your participation! It really means the world to me!!
This time I want to talk about some of the things I’ve learned as a blogger over the last year.
1) Don’t be afraid to comment on other blogs! Its one of the best ways of making new friends. Plus, as you probably already know if you blog, it really makes people feel good to comment on what they have shared.
2) Linky parties, linky parties, linky parties!! As you can tell in my sidebar, I participate in quite a few. Its a great way to get your blog out there and seen by other people. I didn’t start participating until February or so of this year. I have definitely seen the reward of doing so in the last few months!
3) Don’t be afraid to contact other bloggers if you have a question about something they wrote or have done to their blog. Most are extremely friendly and will answer your questions!
4) Giveaways, no matter how big or small, are a great way to attract people to your blog (wink, wink!). If you do have a giveaway, be sure you add it to the various giveaway registries out there to attract more people. You will probably earn new followers this way, too!
5) Try to comment back when people leave a comment for you! You don’t have to do this, but I feel like its a great way to let people know that I appreciate them taking the time to stop by and say something. I don’t always get a chance, but if I can, I do.
6) If a blog you follow and admire announces they are interested in doing a blog swap or looking for a guest poster, even if it makes you very nervous, go for it! Its a way for them to get to know you if they don’t already, and the exposure doesn’t hurt either!
7) A craft success or a craft fail make for fun reading. If your project doesn’t work out, share it anyway! Let others learn from your mistakes. Its a great learning tool for everyone.
8) Tutorials R.O.C.K. If you’re sharing a cool unique project, try to give a tutorial along with it. Other people will want to make your project, too, and if you provide a tutorial (tute for short!) then when other people recreate your project and share it on their blogs, you are likely to get more hits when (hopefully not if) they link back to you as the creator of said project.
Okay, I think that’s more than enough. 🙂
Time for the next giveaway!
One of my “ceramic” paper roses! This one is red with 3 off-white pearls inside. It has a pinback so you can use it as a brooch, on a chain necklace, or however else you choose.
And its going to come nestled in this:
An upcycled tin canister!
TO ENTER: Leave a comment with some sort of advice you would give other bloggers. And if you are a new blogger, what is something you have learned thus far?
That’s it! 1 comment per person.
You have until Tuesday, June 29th at midnight EST to enter.
The winners for all of the giveaways will be announced Wednesday, June 30th.
Good luck!
Look for the last giveaway in a few hours!
Jenny Bolech
Tuesday 29th of June 2010
I'm sort of kind of a new blogger, even though I've had mine for a while, I've only just recently started posting consistently. I've learned that following and commenting other blogs usually gets you follows and comments in return - for the most part bloggers are friendly and happy to share! When it comes to followers and comments, you definitely get out of it what you put into it!jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
Tuesday 29th of June 2010
I'm not a blogger so I can't really give advice. However, I love the blog hops! They are fun!
Tuesday 29th of June 2010
I think a great tip is just be true to yourself and stay real. Blog about what you love! If people like you they will come back!!I agree with everyone else about posting nice comments on your fav blogs too, gotta share the love.
Tuesday 29th of June 2010
Not a blogger (yet!) but if I could give advice-it would be to not do a dark background with light fonts-it makes it impossible to read via iphone and Ive left alot of sites because of this! lol! ;-)
Tuesday 29th of June 2010
I'm not a blogger, but things I enjoy reading on blogs are projects with tutorials. I like step by step instructions with pictures.