Hey all! I am so excited to be joining all these fabulous bloggers in a Homemade Christmas with the Scrap Shoppe! The ideas so far have been fantastic and I can’t wait to see what yummy recipes are headed our way next week!
I’m Sara from Mom Endeavors. As you might have guessed, I’m always busy doing all kinds of things from activities with the littles, to crafting, cooking, couponing and all kinds of stuff in between. This time of year, all that “stuff” is centered around Christmas. And, given that the big day is just a little more than 2 weeks away, the cards have started arriving. Instead of just tossing them into a basket on the counter, why not make them part of your decor and have a festive place to display them?!
Today, I’m going to show you how to do just that–it’s easy & inexpensive to make, yet functional & cute–a definite win-win!
Here’s what you’ll need:
– 2 pieces of foam board (what I used), cardboard, or wood (mine were approx. 20″ x 8″ each)
– Ribbon (I used 2.5″ and about 13ft.)
– Wrapping paper (scrapbooking paper, tissue paper, or old cut up Christmas cards would all look adorable)
– Scissors
– Tape
– Hot Glue Gun
– Embellishments (bows, letters, buttons, other ribbon, etc.)
– Clothes pins
How to:
– Cut two pieces (approx. 20″ x 8″ each) of some type of board. I had a piece of foam board left over from another project, so I used that.
– Wrap one piece of the board–the back won’t show, so it doesn’t have to look pretty 🙂
– Cut 3 long pieces of ribbon–I had one length at about 3.5 ft. and two at about 3 ft.
– Attach the ribbon about half-way up the back of the board. Initially, I just used tape (for easier repositioning) and measured the center and then the other two pieces each 3″ in from the sides.
– Next, take your other board (uncovered) and line it up parallel to your wrapped board with ribbons attached. Opposite the ribbon already there, attach 3 shorter pieces of ribbon (a little more than 12″) with tape on the wrapped board so that the ribbon lines match up. Then, attached the other end to the unwrapped board. It will look like this:
– Now you will be able to hang your display over a door without having to put a nail or anything like that in the door.
– Once you’re comfortable with how everything lines up and hangs, then go ahead and hot glue everything in place (instead of just the tape). At this point, your holder is functional, but not as cute:
– So, now you need to embellish in whatever way fits your decor look. I just used leftover bows I had–they are the velvety already made ones that you can pick up just about anywhere right now for a $1 or $2 for 6. And, I thought it needed some words. “Season’s Greetings” seemed fitting, so I cut 3″ letters with the Cricut.
I added one more bow at the very bottom for good measure 🙂
Now, you’ve got a cute ribbon banner that’s ready & waiting to display your cards. Grab some clothes pins and embellish those as you like too. You could get the kids involved and have them paint some clothes pins. Or, you could spray paint them, add bows, buttons, ribbons, etc. Then, clip on your cards & enjoy!
A BIG thank you to Michele for having me today! Please come join us for more Christmas & everyday Mom Endeavors! Merry Christmas!
I have started truncating my posts to avoid having my content stolen. I hope you’ll click over to finish reading the post. Thank you for understanding!
Tammy@ Not Just Paper and Glue
Monday 13th of December 2010
This is just adorable!
Thursday 9th of December 2010
How simple and cute!
Beverly @ FlamingoToes.com
Thursday 9th of December 2010
This is so cute!! And I think the way you hang it on the door is awfully clever - no holes that way!!
Thursday 9th of December 2010
What a smart idea. I should stop spending money on all of the little baskets I buy for Christmas cards!