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Social Saturday – Week in Photos!

Have I mentioned how much I love Instagram?
Yeah, I love it. 🙂
And it makes it so much easier to share what’s been going on with me for the last week!
group 1

1. Just a little Lenny’s love. My fave is the roast beef sub! 
2. We have a new chef in the house. My 1 yr old loves to play in his big brother’s kitchen! 
3. We had a heck of a storm come through Thursday night and the wind took out this little redbud. 🙁 
4. Batman rode with me to daycare Friday morning! Never a dull moment around here, folks! 
5. Last weekend we made one of those pvc kiddie carwashes!! Its pretty darn awesome! 
Tutorial to come before the end of summer. 😉
6. We had some family photos taken this morning and this is the color scheme we went with: navy & yellow. 
The boys were great, and I can’t wait to see how they came out!
7. This box showed up at my door last Saturday! Its chock full of some FABULOUS Mod Podge goodies that I can’t wait to share with you!!!
In case you’re interested, I used the PicsArt app to make my collage above. It has tons of options and is way too fun to play with. I can see using it for a lot of my Social Saturday posts!
Happy weekend!

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Sunday 3rd of June 2012

I am loving Instagram as well! I love this collage that you have made to capture your week in photos. This is a fabulous idea!

Beverly {Flamingo Toes}

Saturday 2nd of June 2012

Fun!! I love the roundup!! I can't wait to see the family photos!! :) Happy weekend!

Adena (aka cre82learn)

Saturday 2nd of June 2012

Can you believe I just downloaded Instragram last week??!! LOVE it so far. Now I need to upgrade my phone for a better camera, mine doesn't have many things to "tweak" and not that great of quality. Looks like you are on your way to a great summer.

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