Don’t throw away that empty roll of Duck Tape! Upcycle into something super fashionable. Ever since I made my Painted Cross-Stitch Dress last spring I’ve been pretty obsessed with all things faux cross-stitch. I’m always excited when another opportunity arises to create more! I tend to hoard things rather than throw them out if I …
Faux cross-stitch
I just can’t get enough of the faux cross-stitch and nontraditional cross-stitch projects! This Faux Cross-Stitch Necklace is my latest creation. It pairs perfectly with my faux cross-stitch painted dress! And you can whip one up in a jiffy. Supplies: blank pendant (this one is from Hobby Lobby) gel pens that show on a dark surface …
Go granny chic with the 19 faux cross-stitch projects for your home decor, clothing, and even tattoos! I think we have all come to realize that I have a new obsession with all things cross-stitch! Or rather, all things nontraditional and/or faux cross-stitch! I even stumbled across a SUPER cute old rolling pin with faux cross-stitch …