Happy Monday, y’all! I thought we would start the week off right with a fun giveaway. Remember the makeover I gave my pantry doors with the dry erase self-adhesive vinyl as part of my new meal plan? (Which is still working wonderfully, by the way!) Well, I received a lot of feedback of people …
Meal plan
I was determined to get a meal plan organized for my household before my maternity leave came to an end. With a toddler to include in mealtime and a baby to distract from mealtime, I felt it was important to have an organized method to go about getting us all fed a decent meal each …
I was determined to get a meal plan organized for my household before my maternity leave came to an end. With a toddler to include in mealtime and a baby to distract from mealtime, I felt it was important to have an organized method to go about getting us all fed a decent meal each …
I was determined to get a meal plan organized for my household before my maternity leave came to an end. With a toddler to include in mealtime and a baby to distract from mealtime, I felt it was important to have an organized method to go about getting us all fed a decent meal each night. …