Today I’m sharing the final 8 (of 22) Mod Podge projects for MOD PODGE WEEK! Today’s features include projects for kids and holiday crafts! 1. Personalized Child’s Art Display 2. Personalized Pacifiers 3. Baby Banner 1. Patriotic Doily Banner 2. Gourd Decor 3. BOO Letters with Corset Stitching 4. Witch Silhouette & Broom Parking Plaque 5. …
Mod podge ideas
We’re continuing MOD PODGE WEEK here at The Scrap Shoppe with 14 (of 22) craft and decor projects I’ve made in my 3 years of blogging! Up first is my 6th most popular project ever on the blog. Faux ceramic paper flowers! Mod Podge is a key ingredient to making this project. I could not have made them …