As I’m sure happens all too often, my son’s first word was Da Da. Except that not only did he call his father Da Da, but he called me Da Da as well! It took at least a month of reminding him that I was, in fact, Ma Ma before he caught on. This was …
Scrapbook techniques
There are so many ways out there in the great big world to learn new techniques and tricks when it comes to scrapbooking. People blog about techniques, some people dedicate entire websites to techniques and tips, others even make videos on various techniques. I don’t know about you, but I’m a very visual person. Pictures …
I want to start this Sunday by thanking Amy over at Living Locurto for featuring my Jungle Invitation and Jungle Party Cupcakes from my son’s 1st birthday party on her blog last Friday! So, a big THANK YOU to Amy! ————————- I thought today I would show you an alternative way to print your photos …