This year for Thanksgiving, I am definitely thankful for scrapbooking. A creative outlet is just what this girl needs! Happy T-Shirt Tuesday! I have started truncating my posts to avoid having my content stolen. I hope you’ll click over to finish reading the post. Thank you for understanding!
Thanksgiving scrapbook shirts
Quite possibly one of my favorite Thanksgiving designs ever! This shirt showcases a vintage image of a woman serving Thanksgiving dinner to her family then suddenly realizes she could have been scrapbooking instead! Next year: Potluck! Happy T-Shirt Tuesday! I have started truncating my posts to avoid having my content stolen. I hope you’ll click …
This is our last T-Shirt Tuesday featuring Thanksgiving shirts with a scrapbooking theme! Its not too late to pick one up before the holiday arrives. Last week we featured a design that stated “Even scrapbookers take a break for Thanksgiving.” This week we’re doing a 180! Today’s design states “You mean I spent all day …
As promised, we have more Thanksgiving tees available at The Scrap Shoppe! Today’s T-Shirt Tuesday features a design for busy scrapbookers who want to let people know that, yes, scrapbookers are capable of taking a break from scrapbooking on Thanksgiving. At least for a few hours anyway! Did you know we carry women’s plus size …
Its turkey time!! I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like it when stores get out all of their Christmas decorations in November (okay, some places have had them out longer than that!) and completely gloss over Thanksgiving. Here at The Scrap Shoppe, we want to pay homage to our ancestors that crossed …