by Michele McDonald at The Scrap Shoppe

This DIY Pokémon Pikachu Valentine box is perfect for your Pokémon-loving kid and their school Valentine’s Day party!

To make the lid:

Carefully cut an opening into the plastic shipping tube lid with an X-acto knife or box cutter. Paint lid yellow.

To decorate the box:

Paint the entire tube yellow. With a pencil, draw Pikachu's face on the shipping tube. Paint the face. If desired, cut a heart shape out of felt and glue to the tube. Paint hands holding the heart.

To make the ears...

Cut Pikachu's ear shape out of yellow cardstock 4 times. Cut black cardstock to make the tips of the ears (also 4 times). Adhere the black cardstock to the yellow. Put a bamboo skewer between 2 layers of the ears to help them stay upright. Adhere ears to the back of the tube.

For the back...

Cut stripes for Pikachu's back and adhere to the tube. Cut a lightning bolt tail from yellow cardstock. Cut extra detail for the tail from the tan cardstock. Adhere the tail to the back of the tube.

Now you have an adorable Valentine box ready for the class party!

For more Pokemon Ideas visit