Carefully cut an opening into the plastic shipping tube lid with an X-acto knife or box cutter. Paint lid yellow.
Paint the entire tube yellow. With a pencil, draw Pikachu's face on the shipping tube. Paint the face. If desired, cut a heart shape out of felt and glue to the tube. Paint hands holding the heart.
Cut Pikachu's ear shape out of yellow cardstock 4 times. Cut black cardstock to make the tips of the ears (also 4 times). Adhere the black cardstock to the yellow. Put a bamboo skewer between 2 layers of the ears to help them stay upright. Adhere ears to the back of the tube.
Cut stripes for Pikachu's back and adhere to the tube. Cut a lightning bolt tail from yellow cardstock. Cut extra detail for the tail from the tan cardstock. Adhere the tail to the back of the tube.
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