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T-Shirt Tuesday – featuring MM Custom Creations

I know I’ve mentioned The Scrap Shoppe‘s sister store on more than one occasion, mostly from talking about Twilight t-shirts. But I want to bring MM Custom Creations up again to show off some of the great t-shirt designs we have that would be great gift ideas for your friends and family this holiday season. I’m also showing off our porcelain Christmas ornaments which make lovely gifts.

nurse We have over 20 nurse designs available! From nurses with attitudes to sweet nurses, you’ll find something that fits the personality of your nursing friends.

pt We also have a wide selection of physical therapist and physical therapist assistant apparel.

pharm Know a pharmacist? How about a pharmacy technician? We’ve got their Christmas present covered with these pharmacy designs!

misc1 We also have a selection of Green-Themed apparel (available on organic apparel no less!), designs for the motorcycle enthusiast in your life, “junkie” apparel, and a line of pink flamingo tees.

Not shown, we also have a wide selection of Miscellaneous designs that we just can’t fit anywhere else in our shop, and, of course, our Pop Culture designs.

If you can’t find something you like or want to tweak one of our existing designs, we are happy to customize for you! We customize at no additional cost and typically have your design ready with 24 hours. Visit our Custom Designs section of our store for more information and to see what we’ve created for other customers.

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