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T-Shirt Tuesday – Thank Goodness

Its turkey time!! I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like it when stores get out all of their Christmas decorations in November (okay, some places have had them out longer than that!) and completely gloss over Thanksgiving.

Here at The Scrap Shoppe, we want to pay homage to our ancestors that crossed the ocean so that we could have a new life in America by celebrating Thanksgiving the entire month of November. And by paying homage, I of course mean we will be showing off Thanksgiving tees every T-Shirt Tuesday of this month!

If you’ve visited the shoppe lately you may have noticed we don’t have that many designs for Thanksgiving… YET! We’re working on creating more and will have a new one to showcase each Tuesday.

Let’s start this week with our Thank Goodness design. Thank goodness for scrapbooking, that is!

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all things, including being able to participate in your favorite hobbies! Our Thank Goodness design is also available on buttons, tote bags, and mugs!

I have started truncating my posts to avoid having my content stolen. I hope you’ll click over to finish reading the post. Thank you for understanding!

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