After today’s post you’re either going to love me or hate me.
Or maybe even both!
I have a daily addiction.
Well, other than reading all of y’alls blogs!
You know I don’t post recipes (though we are going to have a week of recipes during my Homemade Christmas party!), but I actually do enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.
Therefore, I rarely go a day without visiting
Have you heard of FOODgawker?
Its a wonderful magical place full of enticing food pictures!
They collect recipes from food blogs and post them in a fun picture format for your perusal.
I thought with Thanksgiving coming up we all might want to spruce up our holiday recipes with something new!
They entice you with the photos and provide a little insight into what it is you’re looking at.
The above photos are from my favorites list.
Favorites? Yes, let me explain how this site works!
You can create a free account with FOODgawker.
You don’t have to do so, but creating an account allows you to favorite the recipes that you like. It’s like having your own online cookbook full of pictures of yummy meals!
Here are the key features about FOODgawker:
1. This area under the photo tells you the blog the recipe originated from. If you click on the photograph of the food, you will be taken to the blogger’s post of the recipe. Then you can see if the recipe sounds doable for you. Sometimes the blogger will just have the yummy-looking picture and no recipe, but I’ve rarely experienced this.
2. If you like the sound of the recipe and think its something you want to try you can click on the heart icon under the blurb to add it to your favorites list. Once you have favorited a photo there are more options to add notes and tags to the recipes. Maybe little reminders about things you would want to change about the recipe.
3. When you’re searching for a recipe that you know you have favorited (Is that even a word? I think I made it up!), you can simply click on FAVORITES at the top of the page to see all of the photos of recipes you like.
4. If you’re not sure what you’re looking for but are curious as to what some of the most favorited recipes are, you can select POPULAR from the menu at the top. All of the most popular recipes will be shown.
5. And, finally, there is the search feature. My favorite feature! Let’s say you have an ingredient and you need a recipe to use it up. Simply type it into the search feature and recipes involving that ingredient will appear. This was a real life saver for me the last few months when we had eggplant growing in droves! Who knew there were so many recipes for eggplant?!
If recipes aren’t your style, they have a few more sites for you to “gawk” at. WEDDINGgawker and CRAFTgawker have been around for a while, and recently they added DWELLINGgawker to the mix. They are listed above the header.
So…. do you hate me?
Love me?
A little of both?
I have started truncating my posts to avoid having my content stolen. I hope you’ll click over to finish reading the post. Thank you for understanding!
Friday 5th of November 2010
Hey there! I just happened to stumble upon your blog. I hope you get a chance to come and check out mine.
Have a good day! :)
Tammy@ Not Just Paper and Glue
Friday 5th of November 2010
I am always looking for different recipes so I would say I probably love ya :). Thank you for sharing this.
Chasity @ The Intertwined Life
Thursday 4th of November 2010
Love I'd say -- just went over and checked out this site -- it is now bookmarked! thanks for sharing!
Beverly @
Thursday 4th of November 2010
Love you!!! I had no idea such a wonderful site was out there - I love pictures of food. That sounds weird. haha.But I don't even like to buy cookbooks unless there are lots of pictures. Thanks for the info!!
Thursday 4th of November 2010
O my goodness!! For me, food is so visual! I have to see it to know if I'll like it or not. This is perfect for me. I'm headed over to check it out right now!