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Social Saturday – Party’s Over!

The party is over!
I think it was a pretty successful 1st birthday party, if I do say so myself.
The cake was hideous but absolutely yummy.
There was a {couple} slight catastrophe(s) involved with it but I’m not even going to go there!
We had fun. The birthday boy had a blast.
We got to see our family and friends.
So its all good.
Now I’m planning on doing absolutely nothing tomorrow (except possibly get a well-deserved pedicure!).
Full details of the party to come on Wednesday!
Happy weekend, my friends!

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Jessica @ Sunny Tuesday

Monday 26th of March 2012

I can't wait to read all about it!

Ellen Stewart (aka Ellie/El/e/Mrs. Seaman)

Sunday 25th of March 2012

So glad it was a good day, the idea of a bad first birthday is sad!

Get that pedi! (I need one, so I'm jealous!)

Dee in N.H.

Sunday 25th of March 2012

Oh YUMMMMM! Now I'm hungry!

Amy @ Five Kinds of Happy

Sunday 25th of March 2012

The cake looks so delicious tho!!!! Yum glad you had fun :)

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