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Social Saturday – A Romantic Dinner {Family Style}

Every Saturday I like to get a little personal with my readers and share what’s going on in my world, my head, and/or my heart! I hope you’ll play along with me as I share a little about myself each week!

I simply had to share my Valentine’s Day dinner with you guys!

No, not the meal itself (though quite tasty), but I thought you might enjoy, if not relate to, the goings on of a “romantic” dinner for 4.

Allow me to paint the scene…
I arrive home from work about 30 minutes early so I can start dinner and get the table set up before the hubs comes in with the boys (ages 3 and 10 months, you will recall). I like to make a fun, faux romantic dinner setting for us. I set everyone’s Valentine’s Day cards and little gift in their place setting, grabbed some candles, arranged the lovely tulips the hubs had given me that morning…
it is looking good!

Dinner is coming along well (shepherd’s pie since I know you’re curious – its the hub’s 2nd favorite meal). I start getting dessert ready (strawberries, bananas, and chocolate fondue).

Home comes the hubs and the little ones.
First thing out of the oldest one’s mouth, as per usual, is “what’s for dinner?”
When he is told he is less than thrilled.

The youngest decides he is hungry early and needs to go ahead and be fed.
The awesome hubs takes care of that so I can continue with dinner.

Finally we’re all ready to sit down.
vintage housewife cook
The candles are lit.
The lights are dimmed.
The oldest complains he can’t see…
Then decides, without trying it, that he does not like shepherd’s pie.
He proceeds to tell us this repeatedly, as is his way.
The youngest is tired of being in his high chair at this point.
He starts throwing Cheerios, as is his way.
With slight scolding to both boys, the hubs and I continue eating our dinner (which is delicious, btw).

Dinner finishes. Time to start dessert!
The youngest doesn’t get to partake except for some bananas…
Which he throws in the floor.
The oldest refused to eat dinner so no dessert for him.

As I heat the chocolate in the fondue pot, the hubs transfers the boys 10 feet away, in plain sight, in the living room to play. The oldest is told he is to entertain his brother.

With the youngest jumping frantically up and down in his jumper and the oldest running around grabbing toys, the hubs and I settled down to enjoy our fondue feast.

Our eyes meet across the candlelit table, and I swear I wouldn’t have changed a thing about that evening.

I wonder how many other Valentine’s dinners were spent this way that night?

They’re cute, right? I love my little dinner crashers!
So, can you relate??

I have started truncating my posts to avoid having my content stolen. I hope you’ll click over to finish reading the post. Thank you for understanding!

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Alison @ Oopsey Daisy

Sunday 19th of February 2012

HA! I can most definitely relate! We were so exhausted Valentine's Day from Little Man being a complete little crazy man! But loved it just the same! :) Great story michele!

Beverly {Flamingo Toes}

Saturday 18th of February 2012

Awwww. That's so awesome. ;) What a sweet story - we had LOTS of dinners like that haha.


Saturday 18th of February 2012

Loved the story! That's what memories are made of :)

Jessica @ Sunny Tuesday

Saturday 18th of February 2012

Our Valentine dinner did not go as planned, either. But that was my fault - I caught a stomach bug. haha! Yours sounds absolutely perfect! :) And those dinner crashers are adorable!

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