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Social Saturday – Vlogging

Hi, friends! 

Its been an, um, interesting week around here. 🙂 

If you follow me on Facebook you know that I was filming a tutorial for a future vlog post last Sunday. 

To say that I’m less than thrilled to be on camera is an understatement! 
I have vlogged once for my felt flower tutorial, but you might notice I kept myself pretty much off camera. 
But regardless of how the video turns out (I haven’t worked up the nerve to look at it yet), the project turned out super fab, and I can’t wait to share it! 

And I’m wondering what it means that I lost my voice on Monday and Tuesday. 😉

It was totally unrelated to the vlogging of course. I have a yucky cold and was down for the count for several days earlier this week. I’m still feeling under the weather so with that I bid you adieu, and I’m going to see if my boys will let me take a nap!

Happy weekend!

ps. The winner of the Bliss Jewelry Design custom stamped necklace giveaway has been announced!
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Tammy Malone

Monday 23rd of July 2012

I think I missed your felt flower video. I will have to check that out. :) I am sure you are just fine and I can't wait to see your new video.

Beverly {Flamingo Toes}

Saturday 21st of July 2012

Well I totally understand about the vlog!! Tha is no fun! lol!I hope you feel better soon too!! :(

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