You can find these Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT birthday invitations in my Etsy shop (affiliate link)!
I’m super excited to start sharing the details of the Ninja Turtle birthday party we threw for my 5 year old over the weekend!
Can you believe the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are making a comeback?
And I mean a HUGE comeback!
I remember my brother playing with them and watching the cartoon when we were little.
And I won’t tell you how long ago that was…
My son recently became hooked on them and decided pretty quickly that they were to be this year’s party theme.
So today I’m going to share the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle TMNT birthday invitations I created for the party!
First I want to show you the original 5″ x 7″ TMNT birthday invitations I came up with.
It’s cute and incorporates the things most important to the Ninja Turtle story (except the pizza!), but there just wasn’t enough of me in it, you know?
If you check out the other invitations I have made for my boys in the past, you know I like to give them a little something extra to make them super unique!
So it was back to the drawing board.

TMNT Birthday Invitations
The new and improved TMNT birthday invitations came out even better than I had hoped!
The Ninja Turtles live in the sewer so it seemed only appropriate to incorporate a manhole cover on to the invite.
I drew the 4 turtle faces to go on the front of the invitation when it is closed.
Closed, the invitation is 5″ x 5″.
When you open the invitation, the Ninja Turtle logo and party information is revealed.
Open, the invitation measures 5″ x 10″.
An optional feature of this invitation is cutting out the manhole cover.
If you’re crunched for time or not confidant in your cutting skills, you can simply cut out the invitation as a rectangle.
If you’re feeling a little more crafty, you can cut around the manhole cover for a round invitation.
To fold the invitation you will need to make score lines along the edge of the manhole cover.
Then measure 1.25″ from the edge of the manhole cover towards the center of the invitation and make another score line on each side of the invite.
That is 4 score lines total.
Then simply fold along the score lines.
To score the invitation I used the Martha Stewart score board (affiliate link).
I.Love.It. It is super easy to use.
I found mine at Hobby Lobby and purchased when it was half off.
After making the score lines, fold the invitation along those lines.
To make the creases more sharp, place a scrap piece of cardstock on top of the folded invitation and rub the bone folder (or a Popsicle stick) over the invitation.
Placing the scrap paper on top of the invite helps to prevent the ink from rubbing of off the invitation.
The invitation may still remain partially open when you let go, but by the time it travels through the mail system and arrives at its destination it will be relatively flat.
These invites fit great in a 5″ x 7″ envelope.
Not only am I more pleased with this second round of TMNT birthday invitations but so was my son!
That is always most important for me.
Click here to see all of the TMNT birthday party details!
>> See where I party! <<
Jennifer S
Thursday 3rd of March 2016
OMG!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these invitations!! Any chance you share the file???
Michele McDonald
Friday 4th of March 2016
Thank you, Jennifer! I actually sell them in my Etsy shop:
Eva Scott
Sunday 15th of September 2013
These are insanely awesome!!!
Thursday 12th of September 2013
Very cute and turtle-tastic Michele!
Erin @ Crafts and Sutch
Monday 9th of September 2013
Oh so super cute! Michele, this is so clever! I love them!
Beverly {Flamingo Toes}
Monday 9th of September 2013
Ok, those are awesome! I love the manhole cover - that was a great idea! I can't wait to see how the rest of the party turned out. :)