One pot meals are really the best, aren’t they? You don’t have to worry about coming up with side dishes or timing the meal so it all comes out at the same time. The other great thing about this main dish? You can make it ahead of time! Winner!
This Baked Penne with Chicken dish from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe will really fill you up. It makes a LOT, can be made ahead, AND, my favorite part, can be made with different vegetables. It calls for broccoli, but you can easily substitute in any veggie. We also tried it with asparagus and mushrooms (not at the same time). Be prepared for some scrumptious leftovers or serve it when company’s coming!

Beverly {Flamingo Toes}
Tuesday 14th of October 2014
Oh hey! This looks so good - you know I love one pot recipes too!! I can't wait to give this a try!