Ever since I saw this fun idea from Cathe at Just Something I Made ages ago I have wanted to make my own stamp using rubber bands. I finally found an opportunity to make one!
Allow me to present you with a brief tutorial on how to make your own
DIY Chevron Stamp!
The basic supplies you will need to make your stamp is
1. A rubber band: the thicker the width the more to work with
2. Scissors and/or an X-acto knife and a cutting mat
3. A mount for your stamp (I’m using these clear tiles)
4. Adhesive (more on that later)
5. Tape
The first thing to do is cut the rubber band so that you have one long piece to work with. Tape it to your cutting mat to keep it still while you draw your design on it.
Draw your pattern on the rubber band.
Start cutting out your design with an X-acto knife (or scissors).
Figure out the width you need the stamp to be to fit on the acrylic mount and trim the rubber band to the correct size.
I tried several different adhesives before finding the right ones for this project.
I really wanted to use my Beacon’s 3-in-1 the adhere the rubber bands to the acrylic but felt that it would go on too thick and could ultimately mess up the stamp design. I also tried a spray adhesive. That just didn’t work at ALL.
I finally went with a thin coat of Mod Podge on the acrylic and layed the rubber band pieces on it one at a time.
I used a wooden spool as my stamp “handle” and attached it with some E6000.
Isn’t it fun!! Not to mention pretty cute.
Time to put it to the test…
I inked it up with some black ink and gave it a go on some scrap paper.
Not bad!
You can clean the stamp with a damp paper towel or a baby wipe.
And now for the reason I made the stamp in the first place…
to decorate the envelopes with my son’s birthday invitations!
There is a bit of a chevron theme in the invites that now ties in the envelopes.
I also plan to use it in other decor items for the birthday party itself.
And with such a cute and trendy pattern, I know I can use it for just about anything!
Are you ready to try your hand at making your own rubber stamp?
I link to these fun parties.
Mel the Crafty Scientist
Sunday 24th of February 2013
I love this (and the fact that it's made from rubber bands)! Those big background stamps are so expensive to buy from the craft store and you could definitely make a big one to cover some serious area... the ideas are flowing around now and I'm super-excited to make my own! Thanks for the great idea! : )
-Mel the Crafty Scientist
Monday 21st of January 2013
So cool and easy idea, think i am going to try it, thank you for the DIY :)Helena http://microbio.etsy.com
Jean @ Flower Hill
Thursday 19th of April 2012
What an awesome idea!
Ashley Gault
Tuesday 17th of April 2012
This is such a great idea! Featuring it as a crafty find today at The Latest Find! =)http://www.thelatestfind.com/2012/04/crafty-findchevron-stamp.html
Kimbo West
Sunday 1st of April 2012
I featured this today! it's fantastic! http://www.kimboscrafts.blogspot.com/2012/04/shout-outs.html