When it comes to greeting cards you want something unique. Something that is going to be memorable to the person you send it to. That’s where She’s Batty Designs comes in! Jamie, the owner of She’s Batty Designs, is an amazing paper crafter, often creating 3-dimensional art out of her greeting cards. You can easily tell she puts a lot of thought and hard work into each of her creations.
Care to see a few?
These mini cards really caught my eye. Wouldn’t they be great place card holders on your Thanksgiving table?
These Halloween cards are what originally caught my attention in Jamie’s Etsy store. Want to know something fun about the ghost card on the 2nd row? The large ghost on the card pops out only after you open the spooky door he is hiding behind! Notice anything else about that card? The steps on the card are also 3-dimensional – springing open after opening the card.
Jamie’s red Christmas holidays pop up card was recently featured on Etsy’s blog, the Storque! And her holiday snowman cards have been featured on several other blogs. I think the little holiday cutout cards/ornaments (genius!) are adorable and remind me of iced Christmas cookies. Don’t you just want to take a bite out of them?
I adore baby cards. They can’t help but be extra precious because, really, think about who they are intended for! The baby cards from She’s Batty Designs are no exception. Not to mention the fact that I’m slightly partial to giraffes and elephants…
And, of course, She’s Batty also offers everyday greeting cards. These are just a few of the ones offered in her Etsy shop.
Be sure and stop by She’s Batty Designs and pick up your handcrafted greeting cards today!
She's Batty Designs
Thursday 19th of November 2009
Thank you so much for the wonderful feature! Your words are so kind and you showcased pictures of my cards beautifully!
I've added a permanent link in my Etsy profile to this blog post so other people can find your wonderful blog too!
Thanks again!