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3 Baby Shower Projects

If you’re planning a baby shower, you will not want to miss these fun baby shower projects with free printables.

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I was able to go to a baby shower for an old friend this weekend.

She and I go all the way back to Driver’s Ed in high school!

And, funnily enough, our due dates are only a week apart!

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Baby Shower Projects: Fabric Corsage

I was asked to make the new mommy-to-be a corsage to wear during her shower.

I immediately thought rolled fabric rosettes would make a gorgeous and unique corsage.

The yellow rosette is actually made from some trim that I simply rolled around in a spiral pattern.

To make it all stand out a bit more I ran some fun lace around edge of the entire corsage.

And since the corsage is fabric, it will make a great keepsake from the baby shower.

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Baby Shower Projects: Keep Calm Print

Remember my Keep Calm printable?

It strikes again!

To dress up the frame I simply added some blue lace.

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Baby Shower Projects: Baby Bingo

I was also in charge of one of the games we played.

I made up these fun baby bingo cards.

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It was a big hit with all the shower attendees!

And I love that since I made them, I was able to personalize them for my friend.

A free download of the bingo cards can be found here.

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And, of course, no baby shower post is any good without a good baby bump picture!!

Congrats, Vanessa, on your impending new addition!


>> See where I party! <<

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Sunday 6th of March 2011

How lovely! The corsage is a wonderful idea, thank you for the inspiration!

Saturday 19th of February 2011

So cute. Love the shower ideass. Sarah@ NorthwestHospitality


Friday 18th of February 2011

Wow love everything. baby showers are so much fun!

Sarah Marie Kathleen

Friday 18th of February 2011

The corsage is my favorite part, what a sweet idea, I am definitely going to make one for the next momma to be at the next shower I attend/plan.


Friday 18th of February 2011

I like this! And the corsage turned out adorable.

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