I hope you’re participating in the Craft Your Stash challenge here
at The Scrap Shoppe!
If you’re just finding out about it, you can read more information about how it started
and how its works here.
How are you doing with March’s challenge?
I have to admit that I’ve had a hard time with the challenge this month! I’ve been so focused on the big first birthday party that completing my project has slipped by me. But its not due until Saturday so I’m hoping I can get it complete!
So who’s ready to hear about April?
I put out a call on Facebook for ideas for this month’s challenge, and creating a mini album was the popular idea. SOOOOO… to generalize it a bit more for ALL you crafters out there…
For April, I challenge you to complete a kit.
Whether it is one you purchased or one you put together yourself and have had laying around for ages. Be it a mini album, a pattern with fabric, whatever!
I for one have a TON of kits lying around waiting to be used! Mostly of the scrapbooking persuasion. It will be lovely to get one or more of those off of my shelf and complete in April!
April’s CYS photos are due by April 28th.
Features will be May 1st.
Link up your photos to the Craft Your Stash Flickr group!
As you complete April’s challenge, add them to Flickr!
March’s photos are due by this Saturday (March 31st).
Features will be next Tuesday!
I can’t wait to see what you make!
Wednesday 28th of March 2012
I have lots of kits that need to be completed ;) This might be a good one for me!
Holly Lefevre
Wednesday 28th of March 2012
A kit! ooooo that is a good one! I have a birdhouse I have been wanting to make....maybe just maybe my son will help me.
Beverly {Flamingo Toes}
Tuesday 27th of March 2012
Ooooh - Ok, I didn't do so great for march - but April! I have a little quilt kit that I have half done - so I need to finish that up! (You know I don't have any scrapbook kits laying around lol!) What a great challenge for this month!
Lynette P
Tuesday 27th of March 2012
This is going to get really interesting for me. I am about to pack up my entire craft room (and I DO mean entire) and replace the carpet with flooring and paint the walls and add wall shelving and, and, and... ok, I'm going to re-do the craft room :D I hope to get it all packed up in the next week. We shall see.