This homemade vanilla extract recipe & labels make it easy to make vanilla extract at home. It is a great gift idea during the holidays. It is a great gift idea during the holidays.
There’s no time like the present to get start on some homemade Christmas gifts like this homemade vanilla extract recipe & labels!
Homemade vanilla extract is pretty simple to make (you really can’t mess it up!) and makes a lovely stocking stuffer come December.
If you start the process in October, it will be ready to use shortly after Christmas!
Plus, it’s that much less stress on shopping for last minute gifts.
Am I right?
I even made it super easy for you by providing a recipe and some labels for the bottles.

Homemade Vanilla Extract Recipe Labels
I made two options for homemade vanilla extract labels, depending on your style.
One has a more vintage feel with an old drawing of a vanilla plant, flower, and bean.
The other is a more modern typography label.
Both have places to record who made the extract and when it can be used.
Pure vanilla extract doesn’t go bad so no need to worry about an expiration date.
Select your style and download:
Vintage Homemade Vanilla Extract Label
Modern Typography Homemade Vanilla Extract Label
Both label images will work with OL5030 labels from Online Labels, which I used in both light tan and matte white.
But you can also print them on a sticker sheet and cut the labels by hand.

Homemade Vanilla Extract Recipe
To make homemade vanilla extract you need two things: vanilla beans and vodka.
The quality of the vodka is not super important, but you do want some quality beans as that is where your flavor will come from.
I found some great gourmet Madagascar bourbon vanilla beans (affiliate link) on Amazon.
Cut ~10 vanilla beans lengthwise, but don’t cut completely through, just enough to open one side and expose the seeds inside the bean.
Add beans to the vodka bottle.
Shake and store in a dry, dark space.
Go back and shake the bottle every couple of days.
I am keeping mine in the pantry.
It’s dark and dry and every time I open the door to get something I see the bottle and give it a little shake.
It’s easy to remember since I still see it when working in the kitchen.
The vanilla extra will be ready to use in about 12 weeks, but the flavor intensifies the longer the beans soak in the vodka so you really can’t overdo the process.
Once you’re ready to put your gifts together, pour extract into bottles (affiliate link), cap, and apply the homemade vanilla extract label.
See “things to note” at the end of the post on how to create individual bottle of extract from the beginning rather than starting with one large bottle.
You can dress up the bottle, and it’s ready to be presented as a gift!
These make great stocking stuffers in small bottles.
You can put sliced vanilla beans directly into the bottles you will give away (these are 5 oz. bottles so add 2-3 beans each).
You will need to shake each bottle periodically while the extract “cures.”
You will also need to either
1) remove the beans prior to gifting the extract or
2) let people know that once the liquid level dips below the beans that they will need to be removed as they could start to mold.
To test if your homemade vanilla extract is ready to use, add a few of drops to a glass of milk and stir.
If you can taste the vanilla in the milk, you are all set!
You may be able to smell the vanilla in the extract, but the alcohol smell will still dominate, just like in store bought extract.
I do hope you will try this homemade vanilla extract recipe & labels!
This post was originally shared on the Online Labels blog.
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Cathy Kennedy
Monday 7th of October 2019
Great idea but looks like a lot of work. :)
Michele McDonald
Sunday 13th of October 2019
Not at all! It's simply adding cut vanilla beans to vodka. SO easy!
Monday 4th of September 2017
What a fun gift to give! Shared on my Pinterest boards.
Thanks for sharing at #bloggerspotlight
Kathleen Rupp
Friday 1st of September 2017
Great idea....had no idea that one could make their own extract! Love this. Stopped by from the funtastic friday party:) Pinned
Friday 1st of September 2017
These are adorable and will make such a great gift for my Mother in law! The bottles and labels are perfect! Thanks for sharing at Home Matters Linky Party!
Sandra L Garth
Wednesday 30th of August 2017
I love making vanilla and these labels are going to come in handy, thank you very much. I've only used vodka but would love to try it with bourbon.